Since herbalism and many alternative medicine disciplines are unlicensed in the US, credentials don’t have so much meaning as they do where they are required to practice. The health care credentialism industry in the US has surpassed its peak, and is on a rapid downhill slide, since the death of academic freedom and rejection of moral foundations. Lifelong learning and personal, ethical reputation will be the credentials of healers during the collapse and the aftermath.

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Anybody who wants to “protect their energy” should not be working in any health-related field. Or maybe even working with other people. I’m imagining a Valley girl— one with Indian heritage, so she can claim authenticity— telling a client, “I’m sorry, but the cancer riddling your body is too negative. I need to protect my positive energy and ask you not to talk any more about it. I’m sorry this is triggering for you.”

I would also note that a holistic practitioner who demonizes western medicine is no better than a conventional MD who demonizes holistic practices. A trustworthy healer examines medicines and practices on their own merit, without falling into prejudice. I am sorry that these programs in the States attract people who seem to be working off rejection, fear, and demonization. Frankly they remind me of the ignorant West in general right now: the devil we know, whether it is western medicine or the founding fathers or Christianity, is assumed to be uniquely flawed, whereas those things about which we possess great ignorance must be perfect.

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"....and also you need to do some more research with regards to the regulated 'medical science'..."

i don't know how you answered, nor do i care...

but i would of said something to the effect of: well, it seems to me you should teach for awhile so everyone gets this research in, since you believe that one person hasn't done proper research.


one reason to have peers look over the research of others is to see if that person is missing something.

as far as i know, they don't verify the data in peer review.

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Once upon a time in a discussion with El Gato Malo about medical health boards, I recall him suggesting the free market forces of independent ratings publications that compete against each other to provide the best quality evaluations of providers. Think Consumer Reports and similar. It has the benefit of a decentralized approach avoiding the tyranny and corruption of a small number of people holding that kind of power, as well as market forces choosing the best raters. I had a similar concern of assuring “standards”, and of one ratings company getting too powerful. The market forces can probably correct for both things.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if you turned the tables and founded such a publication that provided (fair and transparent) ratings of Ayurvedic practitioners ?

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Meaning no disrespect to your certifications (I speak as a recovering cost accountant who had specialized training in inventory control, who also holds certifications in Asterisk Voice Over IP systems, so I have familiarity with the demands and the merits of certification in several professions), but I have to wonder if what you are witnessing is the same credentialism that has done much to destroy the technical skills of the IT industry.

When credentials become the ticket for admission rather than the acme of achievement, the normal forces of the marketplace will act to dilute the value of the certification. It has been happening in IT for decades, and we see it cropping up in the legal profession as well, with today's crop of lawyers advancing legal theories and arguments that would have been laughed out of the first year of law school.

From what you have recounted here, it sounds as if your classmates are focused on the certification and you are somewhat anachronistically focused on the knowledge.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023Author

"it sounds as if your classmates are focused on the certification and you are somewhat anachronistically focused on the knowledge." Possibly, but I think it's more than that. One, they seem to have become attached to their identity with the school, which markets itself as "authentic" because teachers from India are hired. Well, some of their teachers are good but some are not so good, and some American teachers I've had have been amazing. So this is a good marketing tactic, but in practice, this school is somewhat mediocre compared to other schools I've attended.

Perhaps a bigger issue: There's this "Stepford Wife" thing going on, where they just want to only hear positive stuff and anything "negative" triggers them. The new age gaslighting comes into play because they'll straight up attack and flame you while claiming they are on the side of positive energy.

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Reminds me of a "team building" exercise an Internet company I worked for put together.

(And yes, it was every bit as lame as it sounds)

At one point they broke us up into various groups, and each group was supposed to come up with a "team motto" or some such nonsense. Being an extremely cocky and arrogant network engineer at the time, my suggestion was Yoda's famous line from the Empire Strikes Back: "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try". (Yes, I really am that cheesy)

Right on cue one of the folks from the HR side of the company gasped "but....that's so HARSH!".

I'm old enough to remember when what mattered was this thing called "results". That's not the fashion today, it seems.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Stephanie B., RaffyOm

"Like, I get why I can naturally trigger certain people. I’m very direct in my communication. Some people don’t like that. " ....you and I, same energy....welcome to the club....keep talking and living your best, genuine life..... love your positive energy.... 🥰

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Thank you! :-)

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thanks for this post, i have a few thoughts on this- i think (mental) orthodoxy is a human trait and exists in every field, whether it be allopathic medicine, ayurveda, yoga, or some other. what I mean by orthodoxy is something is 'all good' vs 'all bad'. To put it another way, in my opinion, its a way of taking sides and not seeing grey areas or nuance. I get representing sides, i represent medicine, psychiatry, but i have all this training prior and since which keeps my mind open and helps me see strengths/limitations of medicine and what (or who) can be brought into the treatment plan to align with my patients goals. My sense, as frustrating as the responses have been, there were probably a number of (silent) people who would like to see Ayurvedic training become more refined or sophisticated. its unfortunate people get unwound in such a way, it seems counter intuitive to a sophisticated healing tradition as Ayurveda. but, i guess, practitioners are people too. Hopefully they will reach a point they can tolerate a difference of opinion, because they will certainly come across it in clinical practice.

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"there were probably a number of (silent) people who would like to see Ayurvedic training become more refined or sophisticated." Yes, I had posted about something similar and had someone contact me privately; some folks are afraid to speak up and ask for better. It doesn't help when the school sycophants immediately beat anyone down who dares to raise a well-intended suggestion or complaint.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Author

Some people are too greedy, some are too naive, some live in dreamworld, some in fear and you threatened to burst their bubble. It's amazing how people listen and ear only what they want to beleive (we are all guilty of it). We have seen this happening in large-scale in the past 3 years. There will always be people taking advantage of the naivety, dreams and fears of others.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Stephanie B.

Work isn’t seen as a virtue anymore by so many. The less these people have to do the better. Until they hurt someone or themselves.

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