
"The study aimed to confirm the very high content of aluminum in tobacco and cannabis and to provide for the first time evidence that such aluminum could be biologically available."

Though according to the study, tobacco is worse for containing Al, Marijuana still contains some. Probably getting in the lung via smoking

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This seems to be the study everyone is referencing:


This study seems to be based on the idea that marijuana plants are known to accumulate heavy metals:

"Metal and metalloid (henceforth collectively referred to as metal) contamination of marijuana products occurs during growth, production, and consumption, posing potential harmful effects to end users.3 The cannabis plant, from which marijuana is derived, is a known hyperaccumulator of metals present in water, soil, fertilizers, and pesticides.4 Unfiltered marijuana smoke contains high concentrations of metals5 and vape delivery devices have shown metal leaching in cannabis aerosols.6 Although 28 states regulate inorganic arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and total mercury (Hg) concentrations in marijuana products, regulation limits vary by metal and by state.7"

What seems to have been missed by some reports is that they looked at heavy metal levels in tobacco-only users and also noted heavy metal levels that were elevated relative to non-users of both, and apparently had higher levels of Cd relative to marijuana users:

"Tobacco is a documented source of metal exposure.55 In our study, we found that exclusive tobacco use was associated with higher levels of Sb, Ba, Cd, Pb, W, and U. As in the cannabis plant, Cd and Pb hyperaccumulate in tobacco plants.56,57 In addition, Cd and Pb are reported to have a high transfer rate from tobacco plant to cigarette smoke (Cd: 81%–90%; Pb 46%–60%) and are found at higher levels in the lung tissue of individuals who smoke cigarettes.58 Tobacco smoke is the main source of Cd exposure followed by consumption of food for the nonsmoking general population.59 Tobacco smoking is estimated to increase overall Cd exposure by 15%–30%, although there are discrepancies in reported percentage differences.60 In our study, we found that exclusive tobacco users had urinary Cd levels (0.75 microgram per gram0.75μg/g) three times higher than those of exclusive marijuana users (0.18 microgram per gram0.18μg/g)."

This is likely due to the rate of tobacco use in tobacco smokers relative to marijuana smokers, and it seems to be known that tobacco use can lead to heavy metal accumulation. A lot of articles seemed to have left this part out either because it's sort of old news or it doesn't grab attention in the same ways as invoking fear over marijuana use, but that just leaves readers with limited information and less context to work with.

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I wonder how much of these toxic metals trickle down into something like edible gummies?

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We need to know a lot more about the trial participants, and the conditions under which the marijuana was grown and handled. I remember years back when D'Adamo was first promoting the blood type diet. He told us that eggs were bad for O blood types. In his medical industry naivety, he tested powdered eggs, not fresh eggs. He rectified his error by testing fresh eggs and and determined that eggs are medicine for O blood types. Pretty critical error.

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Curious about what could help stiff and painful fingers and toes? Do you treat for these remotely?

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Simple cause and effect is very rare. And, when it does happen, it involves manufactured things. For instance, the car's front tire blew out, so I crashed.

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An interesting solution - perhaps

For the contaminated soils

Left behind from the Lahaina Fire

On Maui.

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