Gates-Funded ‘Edible’ Food Coating Gets Green Light From Regulators


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Europe banned spraying of glyosphate years ago on wheat for sure. It is spayed liberally on wheat in Canada to speed up drying. So after it is grown. Bread and related wheat products should also be purchased organic, at least in Canada.

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Thank you for posting. Roundup is not used on lawns, as it is a broad spectrum herbicide and would kill the lawn AND its weeds. There are other herbicides for lawns, that kill only the dicots (leafy weeds) and not the monocots (grass). Those herbicides (eg Weed B Gone)are also probably bad. So eating organic is the way to go!

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I meant "lawns" in a broad sense, and I'm fairly certain my stepmom used to use that Roundup on spot areas of the lawn where weeds were growing.

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Last summer, working in my (organic ) vegetable garden, neighbors, out walking with their dog, stopped to chat, while dog was rolling on my grass. Along came another dog-walker, who remarked, 'My dog loves your lawn". Putting two and two together, I suspect that my grass smells different (remember the stink of those bottles of pesticide/herbicide?), and encourages doggy happiness. Most of my neighbors pay people to mow their grass, and spray for 'weeds'.

I vote for polyculture in the lawn--the more different plants (you may call them weeds) I have, the healthier the lawn--and the healthier those dogs--of which I have none.

I have heard of pet-owners whose pets have doggy cancer. Correlation with sprayed lawn? New neighbor with small child and toddler had his lawn sprayed a few weeks ago. Children play on lawns. Children can get cancer, too. Or other diseases/syndromes which may be linked to chemical exposure.

Confession: my husband does use Round-up for persistent poison ivy (the size you cannot just pull up). Neighbors allow poison ivy to grow unrestrained....

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We have some poison ivy growing in our wood line (which wouldn't be a problem if my dog didn't go there and transfer it to me) and I successfully killed it using 1 cup of salt dissolved in 1 gallon of water and a drop or two of liquid dish soap. It's easy to spray individual plants and so satisfying to watch them turn brown and die.

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Thank you, Clarisse---I will pass on your suggestion to the poison ivy prince.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Stephanie B.

Alfalfa (GMO) and potatoes are biggies, too. Oh, celery is riddled with pesticides. Also, a few years back, it was found out that Cheerios [which is sold by the biggest proclaimer of healthy food options, Whole Foods (Amazon) - "Our purpose is to nourish people and the planet." - freakin liars] has the highest amount of glyphosate in it compared to other foods. One reason that's the case, is that in order to stop the wheat from growing, the farmers use glyphosate. Glyphosate chelates (binds to and takes out minerals from the body), it destroys the gut microbiome [it's a pesticide and kills the bugs/bacteria so they don't destroy the plants so DUH, it does the same thing to the bugs/bacteria in the human/animal (dogs, cats, etc) microbiome. 1 + 1 actually equals 2], and it destroys other functions of the body over time too. All of this is overtime so that us idiot humans can't put things together and so monsanto can control agriculture (see how they've controlled the farmers and the seeds - over 250,000 farmers have committed suicide due to this over the years according to Vandana Shiva.) Hmmm... WHO's invested in monstano = gates.

Even those that eat nearly 100% organic, like myself, have a percentage of glyphosate in their body's because it's everywhere. It's in the water that ends up being sprayed on the organic food, it's in the air, and it gets into the soil. It needs to be cleaned up.

Zeolite powder helps to clear glyphosate from the body. There are others supplements that help, too, but the best thing is to stop eating poison/toxic foods and clearly take a few supplements.

I have Stepahnie Seneff's book, Toxic Legacy, How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment, but haven't read it yet. She's fantastic.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Stephanie B.

They are even screwing up organic with their industry profits over safety BS.

Apeel is used in USDA Organic & it's backed by Bill Gates & the World Economic Forum...


"Apeel” Fruit and Vegetable Protective Coating Is Not So Appealing When You Break It Down


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Thank you for posting this. I think I just heard of this.

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